Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Destination: Washington, D.C.

Kennedy Center

Federalist architecture in Georgetown

My best friend from childhood, Jacqueline, came up to visit two weeks ago to see Wicked for her birthday. She used to live here and fell in love with DC through and through. We spent most of the weekend sampling food and libations from many neighborhoods in the city. As well as shopping in Georgetown and Eastern Market.


After a night of celebrating her return to the city at Ping Pong Dim Sum and The Passenger, Saturday brunch was a must. We headed to Dupont Circle to have granola, scones, chicken sausages, and chai tea at Teaism. We wasted no time going upstairs to our first destination, Secondi, known for its high-end consignment. It is located above Teaism, Starbucks, and a nail salon, Mimosa. Most Saturdays I browse in Secondi, get my nails done (while sipping free champagne), then grab coffee or tea to go. I like to call this the Saturday Morning Trifecta.

I always look at my food like that...

Shopping in Georgetown was also necessary. We both saved up our money in anticipation of a shopping extravaganza as we neither have self-control when around each other. Georgetown was hot, loud, and crowded. We soldiered on, determined to get all the shopping crossed off our list in less than 3 hours. I was disappointed that many of the clothes I saw in person were not nearly as beautiful as portrayed online and most of it didn’t fit either, including JCrew (eep!). I settled for chocolate covered gummy bears from Dean and Deluca.

Sunday we hit up Eastern Market for some shopping and had some homemade poptarts at Ted Bulletins. Then we spent a few hours watching trashy TV and flipping through fashion magazines before she had to fly home.

Although I clearly enjoy eating and shopping, the highlight of the weekend was getting to see Wicked at the Kennedy Center. I am usually cynical when it comes to musicals. I’m not the all singing, all dancing type and find some musicals to be just plain cheesy. However, as soon as Dee Roscioli, who played the lead as the Wicked Witch of the West (Elphaba), opened her mouth and started to sing, I got chills. I ended up getting completely sucked in; laughing and crying with the characters. I found the play to be a critical commentary on society and the age old nature vs nurture argument. Is someone born wicked? I suggest you book your ticket and go see it to find out.

Wicked faces
{photos courtesy of the fab. Jacqueline}

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