Selasa, 22 November 2011

Thanksgiving memories

As we prepare for the upcoming Thanskgiving feast all of my fond memories of the holiday are coming to mind. When my sister and I were little girls we went on a Turkey Trot every Thanksgiving Day morning with our dad, grandfather, and cousin (who's like a big sister). Sometimes the group would be bigger or we might run into friends on the trot, but it was always such a special moment for us girls to spend that time with our dad and especially our grandfather. Granddaddy was very fond of traditions and made us go no matter how much we whined (we had to get up at 6am to go!). After the run we were rewarded with a greasy diner breakfast at Lenny's in Clearwater, Florida. He knew all the waitresses there and we got excited about having chocolate milk, waffles, and pastries all in one meal.

When I moved away to NYC I started new potluck traditions with new friends and later Gman joined me too. We woke up early to watch the huge balloons and over-the-top floats in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. Last year, my parents and sister came to NYC and let me cook for them in my tiny Manhattan apartment. I loved providing a delicious home cooked meal for my family to give thanks for their love and support. It was my little way of giving back.

Now in D.C. my parents and sister are coming to visit again. We are going on a turkey trot to give thanks to our memories. Then I'll be cooking our feast. My sister is lactose intolerant. So I'll be sharing with you how to adjust traditional recipes to cook for someone with... special needs. For a dairy allergy, it's easier than you might think.

What are your Thanksgiving Day traditions? Do they change over the years? Do you have a favorite childhood memory of this holiday?

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