Selasa, 10 Januari 2012

A Piece of Cake.

Today is my birthday! I baked myself a cake on Sunday {who has time for that on a Tuesday night?}. I also made Gman light the candles and sing to me... and wear a triangular shaped paper birthday hat.

I love celebrating my birthday! Here are some of my favorite birthday traditions:

Making a wish while blowing out candles.

Spending the day with my mom, if we are so lucky to be in the same city that day.

Having a margarita.

Receiving phone calls from people who I normally just stalk on facebook.

After serving cake to those present, using a fork to go to town on what's left, then leaving my fork in the container with the cake so as to mark my territory, in case there is any confusion.

And the best one - using my birthday to do whatever I want for the entirety of January.

I must say sometimes it is difficult to imagine that another year has flown by, but instead of getting upset about aging, I choose to look at it as an opportunity to contemplate my experiences and move forward.

What do you do to celebrate your birthday? Or do you try to pretend it's not happening?

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