Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Wardrobe: Nice, France

Grey dress, scarf, sandals, sunglasses, bracelet, cream dress, wedges, scarf, handbag

When thinking about a wardrobe look for a trip to Nice, I couldn’t help but think of the late Grace Kelly. Not only was she a local, being the Princess of Monaco and all, but Alfred Hitchcock’s To Catch a Thief, which was filmed in Nice, is one of my favorite films.

Her style was feminine, elegant, and modern - always sophisticated and put together with minimal, deliberate accessories, and simple hair and make-up. I wanted to take inspiration from her without posting a vintage looking too outfit, because if she were here now, I bet she would have dressed in today’s best fashions.

Here are two looks, one for day time sight-seeing and one for dinner on the town. I looked at the classic lines in her style – soft neckline, defined waist, and a-line skirt and translated them with pieces we would wear now. Simple leather sandals, and the new classic Reed Krakoff bag. I couldn’t resist throwing in a Hermes scarf as a nod to her relationship the brand. Instead of wearing it around your neck, wear it as a headband/turban just like Ms. Kelly did in the beach scenes of To Catch A Thief.

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