Senin, 30 April 2012

Weekend Recap: Some down time

Yet another awesome weekend! I love making the best of that smidgen of time off that we get from working, that teeny tiny bit of time just for ourselves. Friday night Gman and I met up with some friends for happy hour. It was the fifth night out for me last week. I had an event or commitment every single night last week! I've never done that. Three or four nights is usually busy for me. Monday was a Wizards game, Tuesday a CapFabb meet-up at Urban Chic, Wednesday Hump Day Happy Hour at the newly opened rooftop pool and bar at Tammy's gym (this one), and Thursday was three openings in one night(!). I'll tell you more about those tomorrow. Of course this week will be less chaotic but not by much. You can see I needed some serious downtime this weekend!

So after happy hour on Friday, I relaxed at home, then slept in on Saturday. Saturday consisted of scrubbing the house clean, a boozy brunch with out-of-town guests, take-out for dinner, and an evening of quietly reading in bed listening to the rain fall.

Sunday we had every intention of doing absolutely nothing. Then my neighbor and I decided to finally tackle the garden. We started in the front and boy does it look great! We're professionals! An epic adventure to Home Depot included three shopping carts full of mulch, plants, mosquito poison, and tiki torches (obviously), as well as a marriage proposal, cocktail recommendations, and very attentive service by the garden center staff. $300 and six hours later we have a front garden we can be proud of.

I have a hate-hate relationship with the rock/mulch garden in the front since we moved in. I wanted to dig it all up plant grass. But the yard is so shaded nothing will grow, hence the rock solution. We added plants and a little fence along the edges of the front and walkway to help define the space. Once the mulch was down the hated rock garden started taking a nice, deliberate-looking shape. We also planted some Begonias in the window box. I have to say that now I'm sort-of warming up to the rock/mulch garden. It looks thoughtful and clean. Let's hope we can keep up with it!

What do you do in your time off from work? What does "down time" mean to you?

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