Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Discovering Art and Art History: Starting Your Collection

If you ask any millionaire art collector how they started their collection, they will likely tell you a story about how passionate they were about art as a young man or woman and how they started buying whatever they could afford at the time. More often than not they will also say that they started collecting prints, photography, or rare books and manuscripts. Consider these collecting categories your gate-way drugs into the art market. 

So let’s start collecting shall we? Here are my favorite (and very affordable!) prints from a few talented artists on Etsy. (Clockwise from top left.)

Sleepless Nights
Yangyang Pan (Siiso)
10 x 10 inches, 25.4 x 25.4 cm
giclee print

VELOciraptor Dinosaur
Karl Addison (idrawalot)
36cm x 48cm
screen print

Circus in Paris
Sarah Giannobile
10 x 13 inches

Westside Townhouses
Gwen Meyerson
8 x 10 inches
reproduction print

Germany Type Map
Bold & Noble
50 x 70 cm
screen print

A Place Called Home
Kyle Brant (theKBcompany)
9 x 12 inches
woodblock print

Married to the Sea
Clare Elsaesser (Tastes Orangey)
7 x 9 inches, 18 x 23 cm
ink, paper, thread

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