Selasa, 11 Desember 2012

A New Venture! Big News!

me at home, in my element

Hello my dear readers!

I can't express how great it has been to connect with you through this blog. I really enjoy sharing my travels, style, art and wine exploits stories, and life's little lessons with you each week. I feel like there is so much more to say that can't be expressed on the blogging platform. After much consideration and preparation I've decided to start a print magazine as an extension of the blog! It will also be called High Heeled Traveler and be published quarterly. Each issue will be centered around a theme, similar to those on the blog - art, style, food/wine, and travel - but digging into subjects of culture and humanity.

The first issue will discuss the concept of "home" and what that means to different people. Articles ranging from children's drawings of their homes, to comfort food recipes, music, style, fiction short stories, poems, and original art and writing. Right now there are about 20 articles in production, and I plan to print several hundred copies with a goal of publishing the first issue in February 2013.

If you are interested in contributing to the magazine, submissions are welcome by email to and can include poetry, artwork, photography, and original stories and research. Please submit writing as a Word document attachment and images as high-resolution (300dpi) jpegs. Also include your contact information. Submission deadline is December 31st. If selected, you will not be compensated financially. However, you will be acknowledged for your very generous contribution.

I'm so excited to share this new venture with you. Thank you for your continued support!

PS - how do you like the new header?

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