Rabu, 09 Januari 2013


traditional Argentine Mate tea in ceramic cup

Argentine Tango lyrics make me think about travel in a conceptual sense. You travel through life gathering memories, experiences, and sometimes pain. This song, Volver, captures a journey many of us have taken. Imagine the music and dancers as you read...

Carlos Gardel, Volver (English translation) 

I imagine the flickering 
of the lights that in the distance 
will be marking my return. 
They're the same that lit, 
with their pale reflections, 
deep hours of pain 
And even though I didn't want to come back, 
you always return to your first love 
The tranquil street where the echo said 
yours is her life, yours is her love, 
under the mocking gaze of the stars 
that, with indifference, today see me return. 

To return 
with withered face, 
the snows of time 
have whitened my temples. 
To feel... that life is a puff of wind, 
that twenty years is nothing, 
that the feverish look, 
wandering in the shadow, 
looks for you and names you. 
To live... 
with the soul clutched 
to a sweet memory 
that I cry once again 

I am afraid of the encounter 
with the past that returns 
to confront my life 
I am afraid of the nights 
that, filled with memories, 
shackle my dreams. 
But the traveler that flees 
sooner or later stops his walking 
And although forgetfulness, which destroys all, 
has killed my old dream, 
I keep concealed a humble hope 
that is my heart's whole fortune. 

To live... with the soul clutched 
to a sweet memory 
that I cry once again

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