Kamis, 14 Februari 2013

Wardrobe: What I Wore to NYFW

Here's what I wore to NYFW. You may have already had a glimpse through Instagram. Not as lady-like as I imagined for my first time; I was quite possibly the only one wearing Patagonia! I was, however, very warm and comfortable all day long. Some women had their legs exposed and no sweaters. What were they thinking?! I wanted to wear something I could stand outside in for hours so I could capture the excitement without freezing to death. I also packed my bags and ran out the door in less than an hour, so considering that I'm pretty happy with this look.

As a high heel enthusiast, I was disappointed I couldn't wear them but there was a blizzard after all! I've had those combat boots since high school and it was fun to give them new life. 

For a shot of me in full photographer action, check out Cheralee's recap over on her blog, Miss Lyle Style

Coat: Patagonia, scarf: DeNada Design, sweater: Gman's, denim: Joe's Jeans, bag: Madewell (similar), boots: army/navy surplus store, Lipstick: my new fav shade from NARS

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