Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Catching Up

So it's already Wednesday and I'm just now getting to my Monday post... do you ever have weeks like that? I have been super busy catching up with many of my dear friends while I am in town visiting. It’s amazing how the moments get booked up so quickly even though nothing has been planned in advance. It seems there can never be enough time to spend with loved ones. 

And I have to say, there is nothing better than sitting in a chair at the beach with powdery-white sand in between your toes while overlooking crystal clear blue water. Top it off with a drink in hand and good friends around, telling stories until our stomachs hurt from laughing while waiting for the sun to set. Something about the beach is healing and fulfilling to my soul, even if the sun is not so good for my ivory skin...
This week I’ll continue our Civil War exploration! There is so much left to discover!

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