Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Crepes, Handbags, Heels, Antiques: The Georgetown French Market

This weekend we went to the Georgetown French Market. Our expectations were quite high as the street festivals in NYC usually require streets to be closed. It took us a few blocks to realize we had stumbled onto the festival as the vendors were the shop owners who set up stands in front of their shops. The streets were not closed to car traffic and we were disappointed. But then, after a slice of pizza, we decided to see what this had to offer.

Makin' Crepes!

It was a gorgeous day and we ended up investigating most of the shops. I came home with a new handbag and shoes from Tari. Perfect for that job interview I am ever hopeful for! There were many great antique and home decor shops too. And with our new apartment on our minds we searched for goodies to decorate with.

At Gallerie L'Enfant, we found these amazing 18th century American pair of dining chairs! Unfortunately 18th century American dining chairs, with the original fabric, are out of our price range. So we will have to dream about them. Perhaps we will go with turquoise throw pillows in their honor.

Beautiful day!

We ended the day with a wine tasting at Baccus Wine Cellar. They have a nice selection of wine from everyday table wine to holiday splurges. The staff was knowledgable and enthusiastic. While I was not impressed with the wines we sampled (a pino grigio, chardonnay, and cabernet franc), the shop was full of people all chatting with each other, enjoying the afternoon. We are not used to people being so friendly! To top off the day, an accordian play strolled into the shop and played while we drank. The day turned out to be romantic and relaxed. Just what we needed!

What did you do this weekend?

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