Senin, 11 Juli 2011

Weekend Recap: Win some, loose some

Well, it's Monday morning and I'm actually up and ready to start the week! Despite a relatively relaxing weekend I never get a good night sleep on Sunday nights. Does that happen to you?

Yesterday Gman and I ran our usual errands starting with a trip to the farmer's market. The summer's bounty is overwhelming; I always walk away with way more veggies than necessary.

Saturday afternoon I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure as I read Vogue and drank champagne. Saturday night we reunited with some college friends (gotta love that Gator Nation!) and explored our neighborhood. We sat in the shade, people watching and sipping pino grigio. My day didn't start out so easy though.

I committed to playing softball Saturday morning. It wasn't exactly what I wanted to do that morning but I made the commitment and wanted to follow through. To start off, I got up late and rushed out the door. It normally takes me 20 minutes to get to the field so I left 25 minutes before as we were not playing in our normal place. I did not account for the weekday vs weekend metro schedule. After just missing the train I waited 15 minutes for the next one. grrr! I hate being late and now started to panic. I got out of the metro and tried to get a taxi but had no cash. I tried to find an ATM with no luck. I was wasting time and now 30 minutes late. Then I thought, well, I could run there. That would shave off some time.

Within a few minutes of running my cell phone died. Great. I didn't know exactly where I was going. But I remembered seeing on a map that the field was near the Lincoln Memorial so I headed in that direction. Finally it seemed to go smoothly and I was almost to the memorial. Then I felt a pinch in my back. All the sudden my lower back was in serious pain. I had to stop running. I stretched out and continued along, limping. At my slower pace I realized that all the grassy area around the Lincoln Memorial was under construction. Had I somehow over shot it? Where is everyone? By now I was past the point of being defeated and in disbelief that this is how my morning turned out. I decided to call it a day, go home, shower off my anger, and get my nails done. 

 Do you ever have mornings like that?

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