Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

The Domestication of Trees

So, you might have noticed a lack of posts. And after I was on a roll too! I lost my mojo for a week or two there and now I'm all behind. We've entertained visitors non-stop since we got home from Seattle to boot.

I love writing this blog and I want the quality of my work to be absolutely 100%. It will not be if I don't consider my writing and take time to edit, etc. I might not post anything for days, or until next week so that I can get caught up. I'm sorry the last few weeks have been skimpy! I have big plans for the art history series and some more great destinations in the pipeline. I do hope you will stick around!

Voting for round 4 in the Lucky Lifestyle Contributor contest ends tonight. I'm so energized by all of your support! I hope I received enough votes to carry me to the last round! {fingers crossed!}

Not to mention DCWineWeek starts on Saturday and I'll be blogging/tweeting about whatever it is I'm imbibing. Won't you join me?

*And to get really artsy on you... these are a few photographs I took down in Florida. I am trying to explore the domestication of trees in suburbia. What do you think?

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