Selasa, 11 Oktober 2011

Weekend Recap: The In-Laws

Over the weekend, Gman's family came to visit. By family I don't just mean mom and dad. His mom, dad, sister, her fiance, aunt, uncle, and cousins were all in town. I haven't spent too much time with his extended family so I wasn't sure what to expect.

It turns out his family is pretty laid back. We spent the weekend going from museum to museum and having long lunches. Saturday went to the Warhol exhibit at the National Gallery of Art and went on a night tour of the monuments. The night tour was three hours! In a trolley, our tour guide pointed out most of the federal buildings and notable monuments. We stopped at the Lincoln Memorial and a few of us went to see the Korean Memorial instead. It was one I hadn't paid much attention to in the past. But at night it was striking. As we approached the 7ft tall statues, arranged in a wedge as if on patrol, we made eye contact with one of the soldiers. The harrowing look in his eyes was almost frightening.

Overall, I enjoyed getting to know each member of my new family and it was fun to watch Gman interact with them. Spending three days as a tourist was exhausting though and now I'm wishing I had another day off to recover!

What did you do this weekend? What do you do when family comes to visit?

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