Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

The Washingtonian

Here's a quick little post for you to enjoy this weekend! As you may know, I was featured this week in The Washingtonian's What I Wear to Work series which showcases DC's stylish work force in their Shop Around blog. It was my first time actually taking pictures of what I've loved to do on a daily basis since I was a child - play dress up. It was fun to memorialize some of my favorite looks. I couldn't have done it without the encouragement of my family, friends, and co-workers!

I wasn't sure what to expect from it and I'm really happy with the results. I hope I get to do this more often! Here are a few of the funny things that came in the feedback:

My dad posted one of our inside jokes in the comments - I was so touched and it made me laugh!

Someone said I was the "sexiest woman in DC" - going to keep that in mind on those PMS days when I feel like total crap.

Museum friends all the way in Milwaukee said the article was making the rounds in their office and  they were wearing their "research pants" that day too! Gotta love the museum community (and perhaps coining a phrase?).

 Head over to the Washingtonian to check it out.

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