Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Weekend Recap: Spring is that you?

The flowers in the garden started blooming this weekend! I was happy to see such pretty pink blooms on the tree. Many of the plants and flowers didn't make it through the winter, so there will be lots of digging in a few weeks to make things presentable. But for now, I love looking out the window to see spots of hope.

I had a busy weekend, definitely not ready for Monday (CUSP party Friday night, dance party Saturday night!). Gman and I took a long walk on Saturday. It really is one of my favorite things to do with him! I love the exercise and it's nice to get outside and spend time together. I like that we can just walk along and enjoy our surroundings or chat if we'd like. We always end up having the most enlightening conversations while arm in arm like we did when we first met.

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