Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Weekend Recap: I was in the garden again

I know you are probably sick of hearing about the garden, but I pretty much spent every waking moment out there this weekend. Saturday we had some friends over for a light lunch and wine. Then on Sunday I laid out in the sun and read for a few hours. I love it back there! It's like my private oasis in the city. My little island of grass in a sea of concrete! When I sit back there I think, yes, you can have it all

To bring a little of the garden into the house, I picked up these peonies at the farmer's market on Sunday. Aren't they heavenly? I love that they look so pillowy and delicate but have this peppery scent.

What did you do this weekend? Did you do something special for your Mother? I would love to hear!

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