Selasa, 19 Juni 2012

Discovering Art and Art History: Garth Fry aand ArtSee DC

Garth Fry and Elizabeth, founder of ArtSee DC

What does a print maker do when he moves cross country without his beloved studio? Garth Fry faced this predicament when he traveled from California to Virginia. Without a full studio immediately available he began to examine his materials in order to determine a new course for his work. Inspired by the graphic look of printmaking, Fry created sculptural images of intricately torn, glued, and rolled paper, a material usually more comfortable taking a background role.

I imagine it’s an isolated, time-consuming experience to meticulously coil bits of paper for hours on end and that the practice would elicit such emotions and energies as patience, frustration, eagerness, and delight (and quite possibly rage when your fingers get stuck in the glue and rip the paper, or is that just me?). The three-dimensional images of flowers, spirals, and landscapes of tightly wound coils are charged with the artist’s process of creating them. I enjoyed looking at them in the changing light as well as the shadows and light fell across each desolate sculptural landscape. Fry titles the works Jaded, Sprig of Doubt, and Memories which further connect the emotions expressed throughout the creative process. Fry delivers a body of work that is both relatable and attractive.

I had the pleasure of meeting mixed-media artist Garth Fry two weeks ago at ArtSee DC’s Artist Showcase at Local 16. Visit Garth Fry at his website to see details of his work and purchased by contacting Elizabeth at

These stylish ladies were there too...

Tammy of A Loyal Love, Cenita and Salome of aTypical Day

The next Arist Showcase at Local 16 is Wednesday, July 11th at 6pm. I hope to see you there!

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