Senin, 11 Juni 2012

Weekend Recap: on the road again...

Two weeks ago I got a panicked phone call from a friend of mine. He and his wife were in a bind and needed help moving their cats from NYC to their new home in Phoenix, AZ. I jumped at the opportunity to not only help them out but see a few new places too. My journey began Friday with a train ride to Westchester from DC and an extremely hospitable stay at my friend's parent's home. Saturday we prepared for the trip out west and squeezed in a little kickboxing action (I'm still sore). We flew out Saturday night. The flight with cats was surprisingly easy! I'll share some tips with you later this week.

I'll be out here in Arizona for the week and looking forward to exploring! I've never seen such enormous cactus before and I've heard there are even road runners and coyotes out here. I can't wait to share this next adventure with you. If you have any favorite spots near Phoenix, let me know in the comments below. I'd love to check it out.

On the blog this week... I'll be profiling a museum in Denver, reviewing an exhibit in DC, giving you some travel tips, drinkin' some wine, and seeing if AZ has any Shoe Love.

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