Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Exploring Wine: Pinot Grigio

Garganega, Pinot Grigio, Italy 2011 $14.00
My rating for this bottle? I would drink a glass.

I enjoyed this bottle with some visitors out in the garden. And by visitors I do mean out of town guests and the rats that seem to stop by when we have company (le sigh, the problem with living in the city I suppose).

Pinot Grigio is one of my summer time white go-tos. It's always fresh, light on color, body, and nose, and will go with pretty much anything we throw on the grill. This varietal, grown in the delle Venezie region of North-Eastern Italy, has a lemon-y apple flavor with notes of a metallic or tin. I enjoyed drinking it and it was a good bottle for the price, but it wasn't mind blowing. I've had better and worse.

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