Jumat, 03 Agustus 2012

Shoe Love: Leopard slippers

Hello from the road to Philadelphia! I know, I literally just got back from California, but I just can't help myself. I've got to see the world. This weekend I'm off to a wedding! Other people's weddings area always better than your own. Trust me. The booze is free and the cake and dancing so much better. ;)

So on to Shoe Love, because that's why you're here right? I found these darlings at Target last weekend for 20 bucks. I've been wanting a pair of manly yet feminine slippers for like a year, leopard preferred. You know how much I love leopard and I had to have these. You can't say 'no' at Target. Since when did I become such a bargain shopper?

Also, I tagged this as girl's weekend because when else is it absolutely appropriate to wear these?

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