Kamis, 08 November 2012

Exploring Wine: Claret

Linden, Claret, Virginia, 2005, Less than $30
My rating for this bottle? I would drink a few glasses.

My first trip to a Virginia winery was in 2008. Gman and I were dating long distance and I was down from NYC for a visit. His friends knew of this winery nearby that we could visit in just a quick day trip. I was impressed, and didn't hesitate jumping in the car on a cold, rainy Saturday in March.  I can't remember now if we went to one or a few, but a single image sticks out in my mind. We are cozied up on a closed-in porch eating cheese, sausage, and bread, drinking this wine, and over-looking a foggy landscape. These people I barely knew would become two of my and Gman's best friends (you might remember some of our adventures together in Sedona and Scottsdale).

I found this bottle dusty and tucked away in my (our?) collection. I forgot we had it! Besides the cork breaking as I tried to remove it, the wine was delicious. The color was a dark burgundy and the smell of earthy chocolate and perhaps butterscotch filled my nose. It tasted light and similar to the smell but with added fruitiness. I couldn't tell it if it was a slight acidity or tannins, but there was a bit of a bite on the finish.

A fun little wine fact for you: The word 'Claret' does not refer to a specific grape varietal, but instead is a generic term traditionally used by the English (and now Americans and others worldwide) to refer to a light red wine made in the French Bordeaux style.

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