Senin, 12 November 2012

Veteran's Day

Some ladies have a ‘type.’ They always go for the same type of guys when they are searching for ‘the one.’ I’m a soldier lover. I can’t help myself. To me, there's nothing like a man in uniform. I don't have the courage to do what they do and cry like a baby whenever I see or hear about a hero’s story (note to self: don’t watch Restrepo again while PMSing…).

It's easy to think about war on a conceptual level, especially with the political fodder from the recent presidential election. But many of those who generously dedicate their lives to protecting our rights and freedoms are individuals who willingly sacrifice much to serve their fellow citizens. Take time to think about the brave and at the very least say "thank you."

There are some incredible organizations out there that support our veterans. One that I've recently been introduced to is the Combat Paper Project. Veterans who need a way to express what they have experienced in combat, transform the uniforms they wore in battle into healing works of art. The uniforms are beaten, shredded, and torn unto paper pulp then they use the paper to create art that describes their experience. The process of art making helps the soldiers come to terms with their past and give them hope for the future. The pieces are incredibly varied and elegantly stated. Check their exhibition schedule if you'd like to see the works in person. 

If you are feeling generous today, you can purchase one of their pieces or you can donate to their cause.

PS - This image was taken by my father-in-law, Tom Hurst, during the Vietnam War era. Thank you Tom for allowing me to use it here!

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