Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Exploring Wine: Rudi Wiest Selections Rielsing

Rudi Wiest Selectins, Riesling, Rhein River, $15.99
My rating for this bottle? I would drink a glass.

On the nights I decide to be lazy and not cook dinner, Gman and I usually order a pizza. However, one night a few weeks ago we were feeling jazzy and ordered Thai take out instead. I had to grab a few bottles of wine while we were out (had to) so we decided to pick up a bottle to pair with our dinner. I choose this riesling and felt like I nailed it. The sweet, slight citrus (lemon) and touch of slate taste balanced my hot Panang curry. It cooled my mouth right off afterwards and made the meal enjoyable (versus my mouth burning to the point where I can't feel it). 

The only reason I wouldn't rate this bottle higher is because although it tasted pretty good, it left my cheeks red and my body feeling like I was having a hot flash (I never get this feeling from Thai food). So I think a riesling is the perfect thing to pair with spicy Thai food, but I wouldn't buy this bottle again.

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