Jumat, 31 Mei 2013

We're Moving!

Hello dear readers! I have some big news to share with you. As some of you may know, Gman and I have decided to take this whole travel lifestyle to the next level. This summer we will be making the journey eastward and setting up our home in Kuwait City, Kuwait. We couldn't be more excited about exploring the region and learning new cultures, tastes, languages, and styles.

I've never been to that part of the world before! Neither of us has visited Kuwait or really seen many pictures as it seems the more glamorous locations like Dubai, Qatar, and Morocco are more widely visited and photographed. We can't wait to get our feet on the ground and to acquaint ourselves with our new neighborhood.

I am looking forward to sharing the journey with you through the blog and magazine! In the meantime, we're still living it up here in the US, checking things off our DC bucket list, and preparing ourselves with lots of reading materials for the changes ahead. Cheers!

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