Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Weekend Recap: all about food

the garden

This weekend turned out to be all about food for Gman and I. I was a cooking machine!

Saturday brunch in the garden. we had pancakes, bacon, and summer berries compote served with orange juice and coffee. I cooked the bacon into the pancakes, best decision EVER.

Saturday lunch out at The Front Page. The food was generally decent but I ordered the black bean burger just to get my grubby hands on those sweet potato fries. I could eat sweet potato fries everyday...mmm.

Saturday night we watched Exit Through the Gift Shop and a documentary on doggies, which I can't remember the name of. Big mistake watching the doggie film while drinking, I went to bed begging for one and talked in a cutsy, high pitched, baby/animal voice all night. We had some frozen pizza (I know, high end) and made Suffering Bastards. We originally had them at The Columbia Room (my review here). They were AMAZING and our new favorite.


Sunday morning brunch fried egg sandwich on an English muffin topped with fresh, ripe tomatoes, sauteed spinach and the secret ingredient for delicious egg sandwiches (no not butter!): Tabasco. mmm, I could eat this everyday. Bonus, if you use oil instead of butter in the pans while cooking this is lactose free.

Sunday late lunch, caprese salad with homemade sweet tea. Fresh, light, and creamy.


Sunday dinner, spinach salad with pears, dried cranberries, blue cheese with olive oil and balsamic. This is amazing with toasted walnuts which I forgot to buy. 


I topped it all off with some delicious Ben & Jerry's Imagine Whirled Peace ice cream. What a great weekend!

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