Selasa, 14 Juni 2011

Weekend Recap


Hello, hello! I had a very long weekend and am only now getting back into the swing of things. It was moving weekend and we are finally settled into our new apartment. Overall it was a success. Having movers actually pack and move the boxes was the best idea ever. We had 124 boxes of crap, most of which, it turns out, was books, stemware (and other kitchen stuff), clothes, shoes, and wine. There was one box that just had a puzzle in it... The moving company thought they lost a box, #21. Later we discovered another box had two stickers on it, phew! Our biggest problem was 25 extra large garbage bags full of packing materials. There has got to be a more "green" way to move.

Highlights of the apartment include:
- plenty of space but still cozy
- awesome closets
- historical charm: the basement was originally the kitchen and maids' quarters for the house which was built in 1880! The entryway closet used to be the stairs leading to the home and our fireplace mantle is the original one used in the 19th century.
- newly renovated kitchen, bathroom, and new carpet throughout
- private garden! BBQs! I'm going to plant herbs
- fantastic location

(Lowlights?) Cons include:
- less light because we are in the basement
- mosquitoes and flies hangout outside in the entryways...
- no hardwood floors, electric stove
- the fireplace is just a mantle and in no way functional for warmth. This is probably safer as I almost burnt down our NYC apt with only a toaster.
- there are rats in the garden though I haven't seen them yet... (stars crying)

Here is a tour!

Living room, dining room. Love my obnoxious zebra rug? dining table is yet to be determined...

Living room and proof we live in a basement. The bars on the windows are charming, no? Artwork is by my fabulous sister-in-law, talented father-in-law, and myself.

Kitchen is far from complete. The cabinets needed shelves which are still en route.

Bedroom and home office. We love books and I have fun arranging them on the shelves with treasures from our travels, pictures of our family, and shoes, of course.

You might recognize these old friends from here and here. (Leopard booties!)

All my shoes and handbags! It was so nice to be reunited with all my stuff. :)

It feels good to finally be home.
Side note: The garden is lovely too but could use a bit of sprucing up. That will be a project for another weekend...

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