Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Weekend Recap: familiar faces, new places

Oh, it's Monday again! How does this keep happening? ;) I had an exhausting but very full weekend. The softball game was a success and the image above is the only photographic evidence I was there. I was super nervous about playing but luckily I didn't have to field any balls; I only went up to bat. Also lucky, the pitcher only threw "inside the box" twice so I was walked onto base twice and struck out once. I also go a run! Not to shabby... the rest of the night was spent catching up with ol' college friends. It's amazing how you can pick up right where you left off, as if you just hung out the day before. I really needed that!

Saturday we got the keys to our new apartment! The Super did a great job renovating it and choose finishes that we would have chosen (horray!). He and our broker left a sweet welcome note in the kitchen too. Once I (we) get it all set up I'll post some pictures.

Saturday night we met up with one of Gman's best friends and his lovely wife. They made reservations at Columbia Room (I did not take pictures as I wanted to be in the moment and absorb it with all my senses). I went into the experience blind only expecting an excellently crafted, intimate, prohibition style speakeasy in the back of The Passenger on L St and 7th St. When we walked in I was immediately impressed by the classy, elegant hostess, bartender, and assistant. Little did I know but the bartender was the owner, Derek Brown (who's martini is quiet possibly the best in the world and who was so handsome he reminded me of John Hamm).

The presentation, attention to detail, and complex yet elegant taste of the cocktails were the best I have ever experienced. The first drink opened our palates with a fresh tequila based basil and strawberry cordial. Though I usually avoid sweet drinks, this won me over and would be perfect for a hot summer day.

The second drink, Suffering Bastard, was so complex that Mr. Brown kindly explained the history and process for creating this hangover cure (which I was in dire need of). He thoughtfully built the drink layer by layer even gentally smashing mint leaves before garnishing to truly bring out the aromatic quality in the herb. Bitter, peppery, smooth, citrus-y, and minty only begin to describe the flavor of this cocktail. It was served with a bit of food in order to enhance the flavors. Instead of telling you what one would serve with a hangover specialty, I'll leave you hanging as you must go taste for yourself! This may become a Saturday morning special in our household.

The last drink of the tasting is typically the client's choice but we asked Mr. Brown to choose for us. He nailed our preferences and we had fun speculating as to why he made his selections. What did our drinks say about us? Mine was based on a spicy Jamaican rum punch...

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