Jumat, 16 September 2011

Lucky Magazine Contributor: round 3!

Dearest friends,

I was invited to submit to the next round of the Lucky Magazine Contributing Editor Contest (first round here). I felt so honored and the excitement super-charged my creative juices for the next challenge; which was to create a themed dinner party. I naturally chose a chic, Game Day inspired three course plated meal and game viewing; complete with orange and blue macarons, and champagne.

Please read my entry here on the Lucky Magazine website and vote for me if you like what you see!! The number of votes I receive in the round will push me to the next (two more to go!) so it is important that you double check that you vote was counted (please please!). Remember there are only six days to vote so please check it out ASAP. I am so grateful for your love and support, it's truly what makes my creativity worthwhile!

I could only include four pictures in the official entry. So as a special treat to you, here are my favorite shots of the tablescape (and fabulous flowers!)...

Many thanks!

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