Jumat, 02 September 2011

Shoe Love: Nike

I know it's seems blasphemous that I am featuring an athletic shoe, especially considering my commuting shoe rant last week. However, there just something about these Nike Frees.

It happened back in 2008. I was with my Dad in the Nike store, as he used to love to visit the Nike store as much as me when in Manhattan. We were just browsing when suddenly I saw them from across the room, beaming at me with that light neon green color. They were light and flexible looking, like no other sneaker I had ever seen. I had to investigate. Mind you, I hate sweating and had no gym membership so I had no where to wear these. I needed to try them on though and asked anyways. I felt silly at first as my Dad just starred at me in shock. 

Then I slipped them onto my feet, without socks, and they fit literally like a glove. It was as if I wasn't wearing shoes at all. I was just floating around the store. I took up running right then and there just to buy the darn things and have the excuse to wear them as much as possible. I've been running ever since and still in the same Nikes.

{PS - Newer versions, here.}

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