Senin, 12 September 2011

Weekend Recap: dinner parties, old friends, new friends

Hello my friends! This weekend Jacqueline came to visit again, she just can't stay away! After another late night out with new friends, we went shopping and brunching on Saturday. Saturday night our neighbors hosted a delicious dinner party. Not only was the BBQ pork falling off the bone but the wine flowed like water. All the guests got along as if we had known each other for years instead of only meeting moments earlier. Funniest part of the evening? Their doggie was locked upstairs while we enjoyed cheese and champagne before dinner (as he sheds big time). He was not happy about it and whined and cried in every way possible. We felt bad at first but  his unwavering, pathetic attempts to pull at our heart strings became quite funny. Eventually he was allowed downstairs after dinner and rewarded with pork scraps.

As you may know, the next round of the Lucky Magazine Contributor competition is due on Friday. So I spend most of my free time this weekend preparing for the next article. I am super excited about it and can barely wait to share! 

What did you do this weekend? Did you go to a 9/11 memorial gathering or watch a special on TV?

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