Senin, 19 September 2011

Weekend Recap: The bar cart and other treasures

Seriously, it's Monday already? This weekend was definitely not long enough. Saturday I went antique shopping in Maryland at Chartreuse & Co. with two new girlfriends. We took one of their husband's Hummer just in case we found some larger goodies we couldn't live without. I wasn't sure what to expect as the place was described to me as three barns of treasures. The main barn was set up as shops by individual vendors and the place was swamped. There was something for everyone, shabby chic, industrial, and 40's glam are just a few examples. Each vendor did a lovely job designing their theme and displaying their treasures. I found most of the prices reasonable as well.

I found the 1950's bar cart that I have been searching for! I have seen others with 1,000 price tags and I was relieved when this one was more reasonable at $150. I bet it has seen many a party and I can't wait to test it out... what am I saying, I already did. (Picture below.)

That cat owned the place. Everyone who walked by petted him.

The second barn was a catch all for less valued furniture. I'm sure a great bargain was waiting in that pile somewhere... and the last barn was full of architectural remnants like doors and window frames. If I were to build my own home it would be neat to use the vintage doors on the interior.

After shopping we went to Frederick, MD for lunch and more shopping. I recommend this as a day trip if you are looking for something different to do around D.C.

This went home with me...

This did not...

How was your weekend? Do you like antique shopping or do you prefer buying everything new?

**PS - I bought the bar cart from The Treasured Hunt. She specializes in all things vintage barware and has two other bar carts. So like her on Facebook and check to see when they become available.

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