Senin, 26 September 2011

Weekend Recap: wine, art, shopping, and mom

{After a title like that, I can only give you this cute picture of a squirrel... I forgot to take pictures.}

My mom came to visit this weekend. We exhausted ourselves shopping, drinking wine, and discussing art history and design while critiquing art shows and lounging around the house. I am fortunate that I have so many similar interests with my mother. It gives us such a common ground which we form our relationship around. As I have grown and as I mature, it is neat to see how our relationship develops and changes. 

She is more than my mother now. She is my best friend. She is my confidant. She laughs at my jokes. She gives me painfully honest feedback when I need it. She is my rock. I am her best friend. I am her confidant. I laugh at her jokes. I give her painfully honest feedback when she needs it. I am her rock. 

I feel honored to give back to her the love and support she has given me... and she gets excited when we go shopping and she doesn't have to pay for all the stuff I buy.

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